The Paso Robles Horse Park Foundation is pleased to offer a unique show scholarship program for competitors seeking to further their showing experience. Designed to encourage aspiring riders to refine their skills and continue to grow in the sport, apply now to support these goals.
Scholarship Application Guidelines
Applicant can be any age (if under 18, application will also need to be signed by a legal guardian)
The Paso Robles Horse Park Foundation collaborates with a committee of industry officials to select the recipient; the Paso Robles Horse Park Foundation will oversee the program.
Spring Season Scholarships Available
Application Procedure
Contact Information
For additional information, visit our website or email the Park Director & Show Manager, Amanda Diefenderfer, at [email protected] .
2024 Scholarships Awarded
Schooling Shows: Addyson Gharibeh, Addison Jost, Britton Canalez, Brooklynn Benoy
Pathway Series: Ashley Shelton, Tabitha Bane, Shaunna Angell, Shruti Amiya Yogi Ranade
Classic Series: Riley Hayes, Sarah Wingerden, Cori Tuck, Mika Vivian Glasgow
2023 Scholarships Awarded
Schooling Shows: Kahley Nibbe
Pathway Series: Melissa Paich
Classics Series: Camille Panuwat
Contact Info
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