The Paso Robles Horse Park is located on 70 beautiful acres and features a large turf field and eight sand arenas. The venue has a large sloped hill overlooking the specialized engineered turf field. The Paso Park features 480 onsite stalls, and the ability to accommodate up to 250 temporary stalls, bathrooms, 52 RV sites with hookups, a 5,000 square foot hay barn, three office buildings, and parking for thousands of vehicles.
The Fairway Field measures 300 feet by 500 feet and it is not your ordinary grass field. A sophisticated drainage system sits under eight inches of a specially prepared base comprised of sand and screened native soil designed by a soils engineer. Within this, polypropylene fibers were cultivated into the top four inches of the base. These fibers open up and bind with the soil along with the roots of the grass to form a more resilient footing for the various jumping and athletic events.
The grass on the main turf field is a special hybrid Bermuda called GN-1, specifically used for athletic purposes. GN-1 is both heat and drought-tolerant and can withstand temperatures in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. GN-1 prefers a full sun location with little or no shade. There are no sprinklers in the turf field; instead, it is watered by a sophisticated system using water guns, eliminating the risk of anything implanted in this premier competition surface.
The unique design of the Paso Park includes minimal asphalt, concrete, and curbs. All walkways and roadways are decomposed granite making them safe for horses. Download a large map here.
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