B Series

B Series

All horses 7 years or younger will receive $100 stalls, as well as members of IEA, Pony Club, and any collegiate equestrian team!

Fall (September-November) stall requests open on June 15th at 9 a.m. Full details for the stall requests can be found here.

Key Dates

Paso Pumpkins & Ponies, October 10-13 • Entries Close September 24

Turkey Trot & Jump, November 14-17 • Entries Close October 29

Entry Forms

Horse Health

  • All vaccine records must be submitted on veterinary letterhead and signed by a licensed veterinarian or organized using the USEF Vaccination Form by the Friday prior to their arrival by email to [email protected]. Submitted information must clearly indicate each horse attending the show by show name and the dates vaccines were administered. Please note that to be current and active, the EHV-1 vaccine must have been received within two weeks to six months in advances of arrival on Paso Park property OR are on a regular 6-month schedule.

  • All horses are required to check temperatures twice daily in the 3 days leading up to their arrival. Temperature logs should be turned into the horse show office in order to pick up their numbers. Any horses entering Paso Park property must be currently healthy and have not displayed a temperature of over 101.5 degrees F during the days of monitoring leading up to the show.

  • Throughout showing at the Paso Robles Horse Park all horses’ temperatures and overall health will continue to be monitored. Any concerning symptoms or temperatures over 101.5 degrees F must be reported to Park management immediately. Temperature logs must be displayed at barns throughout the duration of the show.